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Having some fun in Delaware! Shazam is ready for the first day of Sectionals tomorrow

Hannah looking majestically into the beautiful Delaware waters, not afraid of the storm that's about to hit

Coach Tina taking care of Saachi's bagel while she plays a point

Sam, Keiko, and Natalie headed out early to watch a Delaware sunrise. Not pictured is the sunrise

Group pic after throwing on Erikson field!

18 mph winds won't stop us from throwing frisbees. Ha, just kidding. We did in fact stop because of the wind

A fun group dinner after our first tournament for the 2022-2023 year

Meet the 2022 rookie class! Featuring our lovely Booya players

Coach Mykiah or Coach Swag, we may never know

On this day, February 14, Sam was BORN. Happy birthday Sam! Featuring a Shazam-crafted devil's food cake

Shazam (both current players and alumni) had a blast playing at the Towson mixed tourney. Thank you Booya for being awesome teammates!

Saachi ... attempting to photosynthesize?

We had so much fun at the student org fair hosted by Off Campus Student Services!

Annie gets a tad grumpy after tournaments. Good thing we found her food before she channeled her inner terrible twos

A legendary player in a legendary bucket hat. Sandra's the new primetime it seems

A nice, sweaty practice that's got us all smiling. Well, almost all. Sam looks like she's ready for battle

A very patriotic hat was found under a bed in our Airbnb

If this isn't the true definition of loyalty and dedication I don't know what is. Pictured here is Saachi being a great teammate and carrying Mick (she forgot her shoes)

Keiko and Sam enjoyed the freakishly cold day at Towson. Or maybe they were just pretending

HELLOOOO MVPS! Sandra and Natalie played so well at sectionals. Congrats to the both of them! 

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